Motorcycle rentals
In sheridan, wyoming
sheridan motorcycle rentals
Know before you go
Never heard of a honda monkey? See what they are all about!
DO I need a motorcycle license?
No. These bikes are below the minimum cc requirement to need a motorcycle license.
What If i Return my rental late?
hourly rentals will be charged $35/hour each additional hour they’re late, starting at the time the rental was supposed to be returned. Half day rentals will be charged for a full day. Full day rentals will be charged each additional day they are returned late plus additional charges for missed revenue.
How far do they go?
They can go up to 160 miles on average before needing fuel.
What if i break the bike?
besides common wear and tear damages, if a bike rental is damaged, the renter will be charged the cost of replacement parts and the labor to fix it.
Can I keep my bike overnight?
Multi-Day rentals may be kept overnight.
How fast do they go?
while they are geared low and easy going, honda monkeys can reach speeds up to 57mph.